Thank you for your recent course application for the Wildeye introduction to Wildlife Filmmaking Weekend.

We’re pleased to let you know that we currently have space on our next course running September 6th – 8th 2019 and would love you to join us!

As places are limited we require a deposit of £50 to be paid as soon as possible to secure your place on the course.  The balance of £305 is payable by August 5th.  If you wish you may pay the full course fee in advance of this date.

If you are paying by bank transfer:

Deposit = £50
Balance = £305

Bank details:
Account name:  Simon Beer
Account Number: 00701416
Sort Code:  20-26-23

If you are paying by PayPal please add 4% to cover charges:

Deposit by PayPal = £52
Balance by Paypal = £317
PayPal email:

What next…

Once we have received your deposit we will email you with times and directions and more information about the course.

Need help?

If you need help please feel free to get in touch with us on:  01603 857 155


Please ensure you read our terms and conditions below:

1. To reserve a place on a course, you must complete an online application form and then pay a non-refundable/non-transferable deposit of UK£50 for UK weekend courses or UK£200 for overseas trips (or a higher fee as specified for longer courses), within ten days from the date of your application. NB. A deposit must still be paid within ten days when funding is being applied for. Your place will only be confirmed once the deposit has been received and this will then hold your place until the balance is due. If the deposit is not received within ten days, the place will be re-advertised or offered to another. If you wish, you may pay the full amount at the time of booking… Required if you are booking within a month from the course date (two months for overseas trips).

2. The balance must be paid by one month before the start date of the applied for course (or two months for overseas trips). If it is not received by the required date, you will lose your deposit and the place will be offered to someone else. We cannot refund deposits in the event of failed funding or visa applications.

3. If we cancel a UK course for any reason, you will be fully refunded the course fees you have paid (or transferred to another course, if you’d prefer). We will be unable to reimburse for any loss incurred due to pre-booked travel, so please make sure that any booked flights/trains etc have the option of transferable dates or refund without penalty. If an overseas trip/course cannot go ahead for reasons outside our control (e.g. natural disasters, wars, strikes etc) then we cannot offer refunds but you should be covered by the travel insurance that we strongly recommend you take out.

4. If you cancel your place and we have enough notice to find a replacement, or you cancel over one month from the course date (two months for overseas trips), your balance will be refunded or transferred to another course (the deposit fee will always be held to cover admin costs and re-advertising to fill the place).

5. If you cancel within a month from the course date (two months for overseas trips) and we are unable to find a replacement you will lose the full fee.

6. If you do not turn up for the course, for whatever reason, you will lose the full fee.

NB. Deposits are not refundable or transferable unless the course is cancelled by us.

All courses require a minimum number of students attending if they are to proceed as scheduled. We therefore advise booking your place early so that we can ascertain numbers and be confident to proceed. We will do our utmost to advise more than a month from the course start date if the course is unlikely to proceed, so we suggest that travel arrangements are not made/paid for until then.

Important: Please make sure that you have adequate travel insurance that will cover you in the event that we do have to cancel a course, for whatever reason.

These terms and conditions enable us to run courses for set numbers of people at the lowest possible cost per student.

The minimum age for attending our courses alone is sixteen. If the student is under sixteen, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The parent/guardian may usually stay at the venue for a charge, including food, but if they want to sit in on the course, they must pay the full course fee. The parent/guardian may also stay off-site with the minor.

The course fees are at set prices and so the full amount must be received by us after any and all fees involved in the transfer are deducted. For PayPal, an additional 4% must be added and for international bank transfers, the sender must make sure current exchange rates and all charges are properly taken into account when sending the funds. Any shortfall must be paid in cash at the start of the course or by sending to via PayPal here (add 4%).

We are unable to help with Visa applications, for those that require them to enter the UK, except that we are happy to confirm that a booking has been received and that monies have been paid. As our UK courses are usually short, over a weekend, and we do not offer an Ofqual accredited qualification, you are advised to apply for a tourist visa, not one for study. We can only supply a letter (via email) confirming your place once the full course fee has been received. The same rules for deposits and course fees above apply in the event of a failed visa application.

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel an application at our discretion.

Still and moving images captured during our courses are frequently posted on social media and video platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube etc. Course participants often feature in such media and, unless otherwise advised, we assume that consent is given to use all images for such promotional activities and other general purposes.