- Now in its third edition, fully updated with many new entries
- 274 packed pages
- Available as paperback, eBook or Kindle edition
- A complete tool-kit of information for all wildlife film-makers – established and newcomers
- Listings of wildlife production companies, production services, stock footage and sound libraries, distributors, broadcasters/channels, location managers/fixers, film festivals/competitions, education/training, organisations, equipment sales/hire, publications/resources, freelancers and more, with contact details, weblinks and descriptions.
- Including answers to those all-important questions such as whether companies take people on work experience or consider co-productions, how to submit proposals etc.
- Invaluable information at your fingertips to save hours of trawling through the Internet and sending many emails
Latest review soundbites: Essential Resource … Its pages lead you to more doors than any other publication of its type … A must have for any wildlife filmmaker … Positively bursting at the spine with information … A fantastic, much-needed wildlife film resource
The Authors

How to Order
‘Wild Pages: The Wildlife Film-makers Resource Guide‘ is available as a paperback book, a PDF ebook or for kindle (see below).
Paperback: you can order it as a paperback from many online bookstores all over the world.
Kindle version available from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com (and many other countries’ Amazon stores)
eBook Order: ‘Wild Pages: The Wildlife Film-makers Resource Guide’ as an eBook is in the form of a PDF file (5Mb) with active email and weblinks for all entries. You can order it by PayPal for immediate download using the button to the right. When you have paid by PayPal, click on the ‘return to seller‘ link on the PayPal page which will take you to a page where you can download the the PDF file. If the download page does not appear or you have any problems please contact us at books@wildeye.co.uk
PDF eBook: £6.99